Free Worldwide Shipping On All Motorcycle Chain Lube Kits

Motorcycle Cable Lube Kit
Motobriiz Cable Lube Kit- Syringe, Blunt Needle, Cable Lubricant Vials | lube clutch cable
Motorcycle Cable Lube Kit
Motobriiz Cable Lube Kit
motorcycle throttle cable lube
Using the Motobriiz Cable Lube Kit | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication
Cable Lubricant Exiting Cable- Cable Lube Success
Motobriiz Cable Lube Kit Video


Sticky Cables?
Motorcycle Clutch Cable - Clutch End | lube clutch cable | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication
Tired of the mess when you apply your motorcycle clutch cable lube?
Motorcycle Clutch Cable Lube | No mess cable lube | lube clutch cable | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication
Perplexed on how apply your motorcycle throttle cable lube or why the throttle is sticking?
Motorcycle Clutch Cable Lube | Motorcycle Throttle Cable Lube | lubing clutch cable | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication

This kit makes lubing a clutch cable so simple.

Includes Luer Luck Syringe with 4" blunt tip needle
Two 4 ml vials of cable lubricant

Just slip the needle between the cable and the sheath at the upper end of the cable and dispense using the syringe. Lube flows by gravity to the lower end of the cable.
motorcycle cable lube kit | lube clutch cable | lube throttle cables | lube motorcycle cables | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication
No blow back! 
Make your cables last and your controls easy to operate.
Lube clutch cable and lube throttle cables fast!

Motorcycle Cable Lube Kit


Sticky Cables?
Motorcycle Clutch Cable - Clutch End | lube clutch cable | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication
Tired of the mess when you apply your motorcycle clutch cable lube?
Motorcycle Clutch Cable Lube | No mess cable lube | lube clutch cable | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication
Perplexed on how apply your motorcycle throttle cable lube or why the throttle is sticking?
Motorcycle Clutch Cable Lube | Motorcycle Throttle Cable Lube | lubing clutch cable | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication

This kit makes lubing a clutch cable so simple.

Includes Luer Luck Syringe with 4" blunt tip needle
Two 4 ml vials of cable lubricant

Just slip the needle between the cable and the sheath at the upper end of the cable and dispense using the syringe. Lube flows by gravity to the lower end of the cable.
motorcycle cable lube kit | lube clutch cable | lube throttle cables | lube motorcycle cables | motorcycle throttle cable lubrication
No blow back! 
Make your cables last and your controls easy to operate.
Lube clutch cable and lube throttle cables fast!

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